IDW Publishing - Transformers Animated
Transformers Animated, by IDW Publising, was an adaptation of the cartoon series using screen captures arranged in comic book
style panels. The comics / books ran for 6 issues.
IDW Publishing - Transformers Animated: The Arrival
In August 2008
IDW Publishing launched the first issue of their five part Transformers Animated mini-series
Transformers Animated: The Arrival. The story arc for "The Arrival" takes place in the
continuity of the first season of the
Transformers Animated TV show. Issue one's story was
entitled "In Dispatches" and was written by Transformers Animated Cartoon series head writer Marty Isenberg, along with artist
Dario Brizuela. They took a brand-new look at the story behind the
AUTOBOTS' arrival on Earth. The story is written from
the perspective of many of the shows characters such as ULTRA MAGNUS, SENTINEL PRIME, STARSCREAM and BLACKARACHNIA, with each character
telling their side of the story. The TRANSFORMERS Animated mini-series also featured the debut of OILSLICK, who was originally intended
to be a toy-only character, but the creators found a place to fit him into the comic.
Titan Comics - Transformers Animated
In October 2008 UK publisher Titan Magazines published the first issue of their ongoing UK exclusive Transformers Animated comic book series.
Each issue contains a brand new comic written by legendary Transformers comic book writer Simon Furman as well as re-printing the
Transformers Animated graphic novels which accompanied the cartoon series. had the
privilege of launching the Desktop Standee promotion that was used to count down the launch of the comic.
Within this areaWithin this area of, you can find reviews and first-looks of every
issue of both the IDW Transformers Animated Mini-Series and Titan Magazines ongoing Transformers Animated series as well as some reviews
of IDW's Transformers Animated cartoon 'screen-grab' comics. Simply select the issue that you wish to view using the menu to the right to load the page. Then why not stop by our
Message Board
to discuss the show / comic / toys with fellow Transformers Animated fans from around the globe.